After enjoying an Easter Sunday afternoon at Loyola Beach in April 2019 with her family, Raquel Alvarez was returning home when her “life was completely turned around for the worst” by a careless driver.

The family’s Chevy Silverado after the accident

With her husband, Michael, a former U.S. Marine, at the wheel of their 2009 Chevy Silverado, and their 2-year old son in the back seat, the 31-year old Kingsville, TX, resident was tired after a “beautiful day spent with family”. Easter Sunday at Loyola Beach had been an opportunity for the busy family to have some quality time together, away from the local bakery they own, El Pastel, on N. 7thSt.

Without warning, as Michael crossed the intersection on the 4000 block on 6thSt. in Kingsville, a driver heading in the opposite direction made a sudden and unsafe turn across their path. Michael was unable to stop in time and ended up T-boning the other driver’s 1999 Honda Civic, totaling the family Chevy.

While neither Michael nor their son were injured, Raquel suffered a serious injury to her right ankle. “Fortunately, I was the only one who was injured,” said Raquel, who was concerned about the wellbeing of her son in the back seat.

Everyday Activities Became a Struggle

Since the accident, Raquel has struggled with everyday activities from working at the family bakery and housework, to playing with her then 2-year-old son. Being unable to bear weight on her injured ankle has affected not just Raquel, but the whole family.

“I went from being able to drive myself and my son wherever we wanted – to having to wait for a ride to go anywhere,” said Raquel. “I would drive him to the park so that we could run and play. I can’t do that now.

Raquel, her husband Michael and their son

“What’s worse is that I have to watch other people running with my son, having the fun that I should be sharing with him.”

What Raquel wanted, above all else, was to “get her life back to normal,” and she hired Herrman & Herrman to help her do that.

In the accident, Raquel suffered a ruptured anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) that would require surgery to fix.

“My main concern has always been getting what is needed to get my surgery,” said Raquel. “I thought it was important to work with Herrman & Herman because they’re a local firm that’s involved in the community. No one could make you feel more at home than someone who is actually from ‘home’”.

Raquel knows that she made the right decision.

“It was easier than I expected because they made sure I really had to do nothing but focus on myself getting better,” she said. “They went the extra mile in caring about how I felt.

“I thought I would be just another case to the firm – but I left feeling like family”.

Law Firm & Case Managers Provide Peace of Mind

Raquel’s ankle injury meant that she needed a number of appointments with a variety of medical specialists. During the slow recovery, the team at the law firm have done everything they can to give her peace of mind.

“Connie, my case manager, was always there for me, promising everything would be taken care of,” said Raquel. “She was always there to make me feel better about the horrible situation. She remembered small details I’d mentioned. To me that is huge, since I know she deals with dozens of cases at one time.”

“Right from the beginning, we established a great relationship with Raquel,” said Herrman & Herrman case manager, Connie Polk. “Raquel had some low moments in her recovery and I reminded her how awesome she was doing and encouraged her to ‘hang in there’”.

“This accident would not have happened, but for the carelessness of the Honda Civic driver,” said Lupe Gonzalez, a legal assistant at the law firm who worked on the case with Gregory Herrman, the Managing Partner. “After a lovely family day at the beach over Easter, Raquel had her life turned upside down by a car accident caused by a driver who should have waited.

“Thankfully, nobody else was injured, but the accident and her ankle injury has really affected Raquel, as well as her whole family. No mother should be prevented from having fun with her kid.”

“Settlement Lifts a Huge Weight Off Me and Family”

“We wanted to do everything we could to help her get her life back to normal,” said Gregory Herrman. “Now that we’ve settled the case, Mrs. Alvarez can do that.”

“Knowing that the case has been settled has lifted a huge weight off me and my family,” said Raquel. “I now know I can finally have the surgery I need to get my life back to normal.”

The law firm won Raquel a 5-figure settlement.

“We needed to arrange multiple appointments with different specialists to understand the true extent of the injury and what medical care would be required,” explained Gregory Herrman. “Once it was determined that Mrs. Alvarez would need surgery, we were able to claim against the full policy limits of the other driver.”

“Herrman & Herrman Made My Life Easier”

Raquel is glad she chose Herrman & Herrman to represent her.

“Knowing that they were taking care of everything to do with the accident and my medical expenses made my life easier,” said Raquel.

“The fact that they actually cared about my well-being was a big thing for me. I loved everyone I ever spoke with at the firm. I was always received with a warm greeting.

“And they lived up to their slogan of ‘Always putting you first’ by listening and actually caring about how I was feeling.

“They were there for me when I felt I was alone.”

Putting Everything Back Together

“We’re happy that with her settlement, Mrs. Alvarez can get her surgery and start putting her life back together,” said Herrman. “I’m looking forward to seeing her running around and playing again with her son.

“I’m also proud of the extra mile our employees go to help our clients. The attention to detail and thoughtfulness that Mrs. Alvarez experienced from Connie and Christi, our case managers, is the level of service we think every client should have.”

Raquel has high praise for the law firm and every employee she worked with. “My case was handled in the best way possible,” she said. “Not only have I found a law firm I can trust, but I’ve made lifelong friends.

“Herrman & Herrman are amazing,” concluded Raquel. “Don’t hesitate to make the call. It’s time to put yourself first – and with this law firm, you know you will always be in good hands.”

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via Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.